Did you know that a mere one-twelfth of a teaspoon of honey equals the entire life's work of one bee? Or that a honey's color and flavor depend on which blossoms the bees visit? In "Covered in Honey," chef Mani Niall reveals new culinary uses for honey and brings the story of nature's oldest sweetener to life, serving us food history and honey lore mixed with more than 100 delicious recipes to inspire and delight.
Recognizing honey's power to balance and enhance the flavor of other foods, Niall homes in on honey's tremendous versatility: When he pairs it with Thai bird chiles, he creates Sourwood Honey, Lemon, and Chile Glazed Halibut; as a contrast to the saltiness of feta and olives, he presents a Savory Cheesecake similar to those served in ancient Greece. And with recipes that range from Traditional Glazed Honey Cake and Wildflower Honey Ice Cream with Almond Brickle Sauce to showstoppers like Lime Pavlova with Fresh Fruit and Leatherwood Honey, Niall highlights honey's many flavor complexities that go beyond simple sweetness.
In addition, Niall offers plenty of how-to advice such as how to store honey and what to do if it crystallizes, as well as a helpful resource guide for expanding your own varietal collection. Whether you're just starting to explore varietal honey or are a confirmed honey enthusiast, "Covered in Honey" is sure to expand your repertoire and delight your senses.
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