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Organic Apple Production Manual

Author: Sean Swezey

Over 20 years of research by UC scientists, farm advisors, growers, and the USDA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program have culminated in the first production manual from the University of California for current or potential producers of certified organic apples. If you are a current organic apple grower, are considering the transition to organic production, or are a conventional grower concerned with the use of pesticides, this guide is for you.

This manual includes a review of the organic apple industry including trends in production and markets, supply and price, and state and federal regulation and certification. Chapters include orchard management, disease and pest management, harvest and postharvest operations, marketing considerations, and economic performance. This manual covers the methods legally available for organic apple production in California and includes a bibliography of publications useful to the organic grower.

Organic and conventional growers alike will find that this volume is an essential reference for all growers with concerns about pesticide resistance, postharvest residues, farmworker health and safety, and regulatory restrictions. If you're considering the transition to organic production and certification, you'll find guidelines on what records to keep, who to contact, and what to expect while you make the transition.

This valuable reference guide is illustrated with 20 photographs and 19 tables.

As many of the basic agronomic practices are the same for both organic and conventional apple production, this manual is designed as a companion publication to Commercial Apple Growing in California (2456) and IPM for Apples and Pears, 2nd Edition (3340).

Publication Number: 3403 Inventory Type: Paperback Language: English ISBN-13: 978-1-879906-48-8 Copyright Date: 2000 Length: 72 pp.

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Item: 187990648

Price: $18.00

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