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Cover Image For Dates - Imported and American Varieties of Dates in the US

Dates - Imported and American Varieties of Dates in the US

Author: Donald R. Hodel

Based on the pioneering work of Roy W. Nixon, the leading American date scientist of the 20th century, and supplemented by the up-to-date research of UC and industry experts, this is the first comprehensive account of all of the varieties of dates and the date palm industry in the United States. While written with the California and Arizona commercial grower in mind, growers and palm enthusiasts worldwide will find this an invaluable reference.

Chapters include: History, trends, and current production in the United States; Describing and distinguishing date varieties; Detailed descriptions of the 16 commercial imported varieties; Never before published information on 40 commercial and non-commercial American varieties; Date culture and management.

Includes five appendices-grading standards for dates, a list of germplasm collections of date varieties in the United States, an identification key to important date varieties, and biography of Nixon and a listing of his relevant publications. Also includes a table of non-commercial imported date varieties.

  • Publication Number: 3498
  • Inventory Type: Paperback
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-879906-78-5
  • Copyright Date: 2007
  • Length: 112 pp.

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Price: $15.00

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