by Hans Peeters
Raptors--the charismatic group of birds that includes hawks, eagles, and falcons--evoke power, swiftness, and grace. Raptors, or birds of prey, gaze calmly about while at rest, exuding confidence and nobility, and, while soaring aloft, they are absolute icons of the California landscape. Featuring descriptions of every diurnal California raptor, this state-of-the-art, beautifully illustrated guide is the first to combine identification of these important birds with a comprehensive discussion of their natural history.
Raptors of California notes well-established field marks in addition to introducing several new pointers that help distinguish especially difficult species. More than a field guide, the book also includes information on raptor anatomy, foraging, reproduction, movement, where and how to observe raptors, human-raptor interactions, raptor conservation, endangered species, caring for injured hawks, falconry, and more. Of special interest is the inclusion of previously unpublished descriptions of raptor behavior and many fascinating anecdotes and vivid observations from the field that provide new insights into the lives of these captivating birds.
* Covers 27 species, with range maps for the 18 species regularly occurring in California
* 104 color figures include photographs and wash drawings illustrating habitats, anatomy, field marks, and behavior
* 12 full-page color plates show the various plumages of each species--including rarities--as well as their appearance in flight
* Highly readable and accessible, even when covering complicated topics such as flight and evolutionary adaptations
Pub. Date: February 2005
Publisher: University of California Press
Format: Paperback, 305pp
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