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Cover Image For Pineapple: Botany, Production and Uses

Pineapple: Botany, Production and Uses

by Duane P Bartholomew, Robert E. Paull, Kenneth G Rohrbach

Eleven chapters contributed by 18 international experts summarize worldwide research findings and commercial practices concerning the pineapple, in this first new comprehensive text on the pineapple in some 20 years. Focused mainly on the most famous variety in world trade—the "Smooth Cayenne"—the text covers genetics, breeding, physiology, pathology, handling and processing in commercial production. Illustrated with 42 color plates, and b&w photographs and diagrams throughout the text. Distributed by Oxford U. Press. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Pub. Date: January 2003 Publisher: CAB International North America Format: Hardcover, 328pp

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Item: 085199503

Price: $24.98

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